Where can I use the Golden Raintree in my Gainesville Landscape?

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Rusty Thompson on November 3rd, 2014

There aren't many people who don't appreciate bright colorful flowers that grab attention, and in the fall in Florida there's one tree that demands attention - The Golden Raintree.

Wherever one is planted, you can see them from hundreds of yards away covered in their stunning yellow flowers that stand out against the green leaves of the tree. It’s one of the few trees to feature yellow flowers that erupt in a glorious cascade all over the canopy. Every year about this time, we have clients that ask, "Can we plant one of those yellow flowering trees in our Gainesville landscape?"

The terrible thing is that as much as I hate it, I have to say, "I would advise against it."

Even though the Raintree ('Koelreuteria') is loved and valued by many, we cannot ignore the invasive characteristics that led it to being listed on the Category 2 Invasive species list. Koelreuteria is a fast-growing plant that is able to re-seed and grow in an array of environmental conditions. The covering of flowers is what lends to the biggest problem of all, as every one of those gorgeous flowers is a seed that will fall and spread miniature Raintrees throughout the surrounding area. 

Spread by wind, rain, and birds; the seeds will invade the rest of your landscape creating a weed nightmare. Ask anyone who's ever had one for an extended period of time and they'll tell you that keeping them at bay is not only a chore - but an impossibility.

Although we can't recommend the Raintree, a great second option is the Cassia tree. It has bright yellow flowers in the fall and is not on the invasive species list. Call today to add this beautiful ornamental tree into your landscape!

If you have a question you'd like answered about Gainesville lawn and landscapes, please feel free to me at rusty@themasterslawncare.com or call our office at 352-378-LAWN.