Thank you and Happy Holidays

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Rusty Thompson on December 10th, 2020

As this year comes to an end, I would like to thank you for being a loyal member of The Master’s Lawn Care community.

I just want to start by saying thank you this holiday season. Whether you're a team member, client, vendor, or member of our local community; I just want to show my appreciation for your support of our business and your contribution to what makes our community so great.

It’s so easy to forget how blessed I am to live in North Central Florida. There aren't many places on earth like Gainesville, that within a very short drive I can be at the beach, the gulf, the springs, the university, rural towns, urban cities, and world-renown theme parks.

The best part about living and working in Gainesville isn't the proximity to amenities though - it's the community of people. It's you. Rarely do you find people so bought-in to giving back to the community - whether you're here for a college education or putting down deeper roots.

This holiday season, I just didn't want the chance to slip by me to say thank you. Thank you for playing your part in a large community that I'm so proud to call home.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Rusty Thompson


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